


Shielding cover clip, also known as EMC clip, is a small metal clip used to secure the shielding cover on electronic devices, especially during transportation or assembly. It plays an important role in ensuring the electromagnetic compatibility of electronic products. As the number of electronic devices is increasing rapidly, the demand for shielding cover clips is also growing. In this article, we will introduce the function and application of the shielding cover clip.

Function and Application

The main function of the shielding cover clip is to provide a strong and reliable connection between the cover and the device, which can effectively prevent the electromagnetic interference caused by the leakage of electromagnetic waves. In addition, the shielding cover clip can also improve the shielding effect of the cover and reduce the electromagnetic radiation. Therefore, it is widely used in the fields of communication, computer, aerospace, medical equipment, and so on.

Types of Shielding Cover Clips

There are different types of shielding cover clips available in the market, including spring clips, snap-on clips, screw-on clips, and adhesive clips. Spring clips are the most commonly used type, which can be easily installed and removed by simply pressing the clip. Snap-on clips are similar to spring clips, but with a locking mechanism for extra security. Screw-on clips are more stable and require a screwdriver for installation. Adhesive clips are designed for non-metallic surfaces, which can be directly stuck on the cover or the device. In conclusion, the shielding cover clip is an essential component of electronic products, which can provide effective protection against electromagnetic interference and improve the electromagnetic compatibility. Different types of clips are available for different applications, and the selection should be based on the specific needs of the product. As technology continues to advance, the demand for shielding cover clips will continue to increase, and new and improved designs will emerge to meet the growing market demands.