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b41 屏蔽罩aclr差

来源: 发布日期 2023-04-18 09:25 浏览:


B41 Shielding Cover is an essential component of electronic devices that prevents interference from radio frequency signals. It is a crucial component in the design of high-performance electronic devices such as smartphones and tablets. However, the B41 Shielding Cover ACLR (Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio) has become a concern in recent years due to its inadequate performance. In this article, we will discuss the reasons why B41 Shielding Cover ACLR is inferior and how it affects the performance of electronic devices.

Reasons for Poor B41 Shielding Cover ACLR

The B41 Shielding Cover ACLR is the ratio of the power leaked into adjacent channels to the total power. It is an essential parameter to evaluate a device's frequency interference ability. The primary reason for poor B41 Shielding Cover ACLR is the material used in making the shield. An ideal shielding material should attenuate the radio frequency signals to prevent leakage to adjacent channels. However, some shielding materials do not attenuate the signals effectively. As a result, the ACLR value is inadequate, which leads to interference with adjacent channels.

How B41 Shielding Cover ACLR Affects Device Performance

B41 Shielding Cover ACLR affects the performance of electronic devices in various ways. For instance, if the ACLR value is poor, it may lead to interference with neighboring channels, which degrades the device's performance. Consequently, the end-user will experience poor call quality, slow internet speeds, and poor Wi-Fi connections. In addition, poor ACLR can also lead to low battery life since the device may need to transmit more power to maintain a stable connection. Lastly, poor ACLR can also cause headaches and eye strains, especially when using the device for prolonged periods.


In conclusion, the B41 Shielding Cover ACLR is an essential parameter that affects the performance of electronic devices. The poor ACLR value is due to the use of low-quality shield materials, which do not effectively attenuate radio frequency signals. As a result, the end-user experiences poor device performance, low battery life, and overall discomfort. Therefore, it is essential to use high-quality shielding materials to achieve an ideal ACLR value for optimal device performance.